Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 2 - Friday

Rolled out of bed at 5:30 this morning... and I do mean rolled. My legs were sooo stiff but I was supposed to meet the girls at camp at 6:15 so I couldn't linger for long. After the traditional starbucks run, I was sitting at the table at camp with my breakfast and the other girls. We were joined this morning by our 5th team-mate Patti (Wendy's sister and Gwyn's daughter). She couldn't walk yesterday 'cause she had to work but we were happy she could at least come out for today and tomorrow.

As with yesterday, I can't tell you exactly where we walked. All I know is that we did a loop that went through Littleton and Centenial. It didn't take long for us walking to warm up and get those muscles loosened up again. It also didn't take long to realize we were not going to move at quite the quick pace we were walking at yesterday. That's ok... we weren't in any rush. The funniest part was that we walked up a hill (which for you San Diego walkers was actually more of a steep incline) called Jackass Hill that brought us right up to Southpark. Maybe I was just tired but I thought that was hilarious!

Many of the supporters that were out yesterday were also out today including a group of cheerleaders who had some... interesting... cheers to share concerning boobs, the bubbles for boobs van, the How The Breast Was Won van, the dancing ladies and of course our moto crew crossing guards. There were some new and interesing community supporters as well, including a guy all dressed up like Elvis singing on the street!

Our cheering station visitors today were Soap and Debbie (Jason's uncle and his uncle's girlfriend). They even walked to lunch with us and we were able to visit for a while. The next cheering station was only4.5 miles away and they stayed for that too... AND they met us at the end of the day's route along with Shari (Jason's mom) and Gwyn and her hubby Robbin.

As for us walkers, all of us walked into camp.... we are definitely sore and tired but I'm pretty sure we all came out of it knowing that we can do it tomorrow! My toes have taken on their usual 3-Day appearance being red and blistered but I've absolutely experienced worse...

Thank you guys so much for your comments, emails and texts. I may not be able to respond during the day but I promise that I read them all and it so helps me keep going.

40 miles down... 1 day to go!

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